Tuesday 7 July 2009

Michael Wackson's Send Off

Wasnt this so delightfully tacky and obscene? A celebrity-infested cess-pool of mourning and OTT speeches dedicated to a man who, whilst being the King of Pop, juggled his spare time sleeping in the same beds as pre-teens and dangling his children out of windows.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sad the guy died. Anyone going in their fifties is tragic to say the least. But was he, in the words of his daughter Paris, "the best father ever" - well, I would hasten a bet at no. Sure, this is primarily coming from assumption, but as far as I'm concerned Michael Jackson is about as responsible with his children as Britney Spears is.

Is sleeping in the same beds as chilren un-related to you the work of a responsible adult, irrespective of whether anything actually happens? An extension of baby-sitting maybe? Is paying off the families of said children also a responsible thing to do? No. If you pay to end a court case, it wreaks of culpability, and I would have to say this was probably the case. Reverend Blah says that there was nothing wrong with Michael Jackson, REALLY, REALLY? Yes Jackson was a product of his upbringing, certainly, but that is no excuse whatsoever. Much like it was no defense for the thousands on paedophilia charges. Is spending time with children un-related to you, 'normal'? Oh yeah, yeah totally is - bear with my whilst I finish playing footsie with James my five year old next door neighbour whilst his younger sister Jessica massages my back.


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